Biographical data: Ján Triaška

1977 - was born in  Novi Sad, SCG.
1992 - 1996 Grammar School of Ján Kollár in Báčsky Petrovec, SCG.
1996 - 1999 Academy of Fine Arts in Novi Sad, department of the painting, Prof. Jovan Rakidžić, SCG (after finishing the third 
          year he changed to the Academy of Fine Arts, Bratislava)
1999 - 2003 Academy of Fine Arts, department of painting, atelier of Prof. Ján Berger
1999 - scholarship of Ministry of the Education SR for the study at the Academy of Fine Arts, Bratislava
2000 - winner of the UNESCO concurs Bursaries for artist for the two months stay in Spain, Centre d'art i Natura, Farrera de 
August 2000 - one of the two authors of the multimedia project Saturday in White. Kulpín, castle of the Dundersk family – in 
          present time the Agricultural Museum of Vojvodina. He presented a solo project: installation in the park and the 
          video – White Horses. SCG
2001 - absolved Bc. – Academy of Fine Arts, Bratislava
August 2001 - one of the three author of the multimedia project Surface of Living Reality. Kulpín, castle of the Dundersk 
          family – in present time the Agricultural Museum of Vojvodina. He presented a solo project: multimedia installation 
June 2002 - one of the four authors of the multimedia project In Focus. Theathre Aréna, Bratislava.
March 2003 - one of the four authors of the multimedia project Sediments. At Home Gallery, Šamorín.
October 2003 - author of the project Digression of the Day, which was realised in the form of workshop in the Centre d´Art i 
          Natura, Ferrera de Pallars, Spain. Four laureates of UNESCO, Bursaries for artist, from 1997, 2000, 2001, 2002 
          participated on it.
From 2003 - Academy of Fine Arts, Bratislava, internal postgraduate study, department of the painting, atelier of Prof. Ján 
         Theme: Painting – Picture – Implant. He solves the question of the implant in the contents of the artefact. Implant is a computer animation, which is projected into the space of the painting. The aim of this research is possible connection of some special two-dimensional medias, painted and technical picture, which with help of medial interferences into the painting creates the content and form of the artwork.

Solo exhibitions

2006, April - CC Centrum, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
2005, November - KFA Gallery, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
2005, September - intermedial exhibition BRAND. Gallery Zlatno oko, Novi Sad, SCG.
2005, April - exhibition of the pictures HEADLESS. Gallery Millennium Tower, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
2005, January - intermedial exhibition BRAND. Gallery Veža, Bratislava, Slovak Republic

Exhibition project with the name BRAND comes out from the reality, where we are surrounded by different commercial trade-marks, products and advertisements which try to captivate our attention try to make so called ”brandomans” from us, who are depended from the new and new products. This phenomenon can be mostly seen on the city streets, where is more and more ”trade-marks” peoples every day. The conception of this project comes out from the trivial every-day life, where we can sign with the terminus Brand everything, from the shoes which you wear, to the name of the artists, from who depends the price of his artefact. This project follows one of the phenomenons of consume society in global present-days. There was made a logotype BRAND for the needs of the conception that makes from terminus technicus Brand the commercial trademark

2004, June - intermedial exhibition GREEN SCREEN. Gallery Podrum, Novi Sad, SCG.

Presented installation Green Screen, in their formal capacity connect so called classical picture {painting} with the projection of computer animation {technical picture}, that means two mediums, that their combination is not used oft in present time. Paintings canvases, acryl on canvas, are animated with the computer animations, which enter into the space of the painting during the presentation. Animations communicate with the painting, with its theme and capacity. There is made trompe l’oeil for the eyes of the onlookers.

2004, March - intermedial exhibition DRIBBLING. Gallery Art Klinika, Novi Sad, SCG.

Conception of the project Dribbling comes out from the critique of the contemporary architecture, which with its aesthetics of the 90-ties of the 20. century continues with the destruction of the atmosphere and historical buildings of for-communist era up to the present time. This phenomenon is characteristic for all countries of East Europe.

2003, March - intermedial exhibition DUALIZMI. Gallery and spaces (cinema, art club) of the cultural centre in Novi Sad, SCG.

The project consist of the presentation of the works, realised in different medias, which communicated between each other and met themselves in the media of digital print, light box.

Collective exhibitions

2005, November Draught in Contemporary Slovak Painting 2000 – 2005, Gallery U Zlatého prstenu, Prague, Czech Republic
2005, September Draught in Contemporary Slovak Painting 2000 – 2005, State Gallery in Banská Bystrica, Slovak Republic
2005, April Draught in Contemporary Slovak Painting 2000 – 2005, Považská Galéria Umenia in Žilina, Slovak Republic
2004 RE: location SHAKE, Ján Koniarek Gallery, Trnava, Slovak Republic
2003 Privat frei, Open Gallery, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
2003 Sediments, At Home Gallery, Šamorín, Slovak Republic
2003 The Beach, Galery Medium, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
2002 Gallery of the University in Lleida, Spain
2002 In the Focus, Theatre Aréna, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
2002 Gallery Médium, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
2002 Iwano project, Gallery of Matica srpska, Novi Sad, SCG
2001 Gallery of the House of Foreign Slovaks, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
2000 Gallery Pečat, Novi Sad, project GEOTAKT, SCG
1999 Gallery of Zuzka Medveďova, Báčsky Petrovec, SCG
1999 Gallery of Radnička University, October Salon, Nový Sad, SCG
1998 Gallery of Vojvodina Bank, Novi Sad, SCG
1997 Gallery of Zuzka Medveďova, Báčsky Petrovac, SCG

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