Biographical data - Felipe Benemelis

1978  was born on 18th June in Cuba

2004     Language and literature courses. Robert Schumann University, Strasbourg, France.
2002     Degree in Fine Arts. School of Visual Arts, Cordoba National University, Argentina
1999 – 2000      Instituto Superior de Artes (ISA). Havana, Cuba.
1994 – 1998      Degree in Painting and Drawing (with honors). Royal Academy of Fine Art “San Alejandro”, Havana, Cuba.
1992 – 1994      Elementary School of Visual Arts “23 y C”. Havana, Cuba.

Professional experiences
2005 – present Illustrations for publishing houses: Oxford University Press; Richmond, Santillana Educación.
2005 – 2006     Drawing and illustrations teacher. C10 (Carlos Diez) Academy, Madrid, Spain.
2003                 Plastic arts teacher. “Manos Creadoras” Foundation (centre for people with disabilities), Cordoba, Argentina.
2002                 Film poster designer for “Siempre que paró, llovió”; award-winning in the Cinema Festival “Proyectando sueños”. Cinema School, Cordoba 
                         National University, Argentina.
2002 – 2003     Visitors Guide and Exhibition Hanger. Museum of Fine Arts “Emilio Caraffa”. Cordoba, Argentina.
2001 – 2003     Drawing and illustrations teacher. Centro de Participación Comunal (CPC) “Argüello”. Cordoba, Argentina.
2001 – 2003     Teaching assistant. Department of Drawing, Cordoba National University, Argentina.

Solo exhibitions

2006                 “In reduced space”. Cubaneando. Madrid, Spain.

2004                 “Recent works”. Residencia Ankli. La Moraleja, Madrid, Spain.

2004                 “A motivo de un concierto”. Société Général de Strasbourg. France.

2003                 “Producido en la Argentina”. Visual Arts Centre, Elementary School of Visual Arts “23 y C”. Havanna, Cuba.

2001                 “De mártires y enemigos”. Teodoro Ramos Blanco Gallery. Havana, Cuba.

2001                 “S/T”. Centro Cultural Medida x Medida. Cordoba, Argentina.

2001                 “Hecho a mano”. Casona Municipal de Cordoba, Argentina.

2001                 “Hecho a mano”. Arrope Arte-bar. Cordoba, Argentina.

2001                 “De mártires y enemigos”. Gallery of the newspaper La Voz del Interior. Cordoba, Argentina.

2001                 “Detalles y retratos”. Centro de Participación Comunal de Argüello. Cordoba, Argentina.


Group exhibitions


2005                 “Envisages”. Gallery Brûlée. Strasbourg, France.

2005                 “Dos artistas cubanos”. Cuban Foundation. Madrid, Spain.

2003                 “Arte Córdoba 62”. Fine Arts Museum “Emilio Caraffa”. Cordoba, Argentina.

2003                 “Panorama 1”. Contemporary Arts Centre, Chateau Carreras. Cordoba, Argentina.

2002                 “Arte Solidario”. Municipalidad de Villa Allende. Cordoba, Argentina.

2002                 “Cuatro + Uno”. Centro de Participación Comunal Pueyrredón. Cordoba, Argentina.

2001                 “Feria del juguete”. Martorelli Gasset Art Gallery. Cordoba, Argentina.

2001                 ”Feria de arte”. Forma Gallery. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

2001                  “H-ojeada”. Teatro Real (of the Book Fair). Cordoba, Argentina.

2001                  “24 horas de arte”. La Casona Municipal. Cordoba, Argentina.

2000                 “La noche de los artistas”. Capitan Blue (pub). Cordoba, Argentina.

1999                 “Pintando por la Paz”. Gallery of the Centre for the Development of Visual Arts. Havana, Cuba.

1998                 “Amiguitos Vamos Todos a...”. Gallery of the Royal Academy of San Alejandro. Havana, Cuba.

1997                                  “Los Jóvenes del Cerro”. Teodoro Ramos Blanco Gallery. Havana, Cuba.


2004                 First prize in painting competition, “Lézards au soleil”. Strasbourg, France.

2002                 Special mention in the event “Arte Solidario”. Municipalidad de Villa Allende. Cordoba, Argentina.

1998                 Best graduation thesis, 1997-98. Royal Academy of San Alejandro. Havana, Cuba.

1998                                  First prize in the international event “Académica ’98”. Havana, Cuba.

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