Felipe Benemelis
(click the picture for enlarge)

o3101.jpg (25797 bytes) Tomatoīs necklace, combined technique, 70 x 55 cm
o3102.jpg (31888 bytes) After drunk night, combined technique, 80 x 100 cm
o3103.jpg (32698 bytes) Small artist II, combined technique, 33 x 46 cm
o3104.jpg (36973 bytes) Small artist I, combined technique, 33 x 46 cm
o3105.jpg (40365 bytes) In the bar, combined technique, 80 x 100 cm
o3106.jpg (31999 bytes) From cycle "Tramites", combined technique, 63 x 55 cm
o3107.jpg (18560 bytes) I donīt speak evil, combined technique, 72 x 52 cm
o3108.jpg (33182 bytes) Trousers, combined technique, 52 x 72 cm
o3109.jpg (20446 bytes) Dolly, combined technique, 68 x 50 cm
o3110.jpg (13111 bytes) From cycle "Renewal", combined technique, 59 x 30 cm
o3111.jpg (25212 bytes) From cycle "Tramites", combined technique, 63 x 55 cm
o3112.jpg (25464 bytes) Guard, combined technique, 80 x 65 cm

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